Knoxville Moving Day Tips

Get Your Ultimate Nashville Moving Checklist

Moving to a new place can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. With so many tasks to handle, it’s easy to forget important details that can make your move smoother. That’s why we at 1st Class Moving TN have created the ultimate Nashville Moving Checklist to help you stay organized and stress-free during your relocation.

Whether you’re moving within Nashville or relocating from another city, our comprehensive checklist covers every aspect of the moving process, from packing and transportation to settling into your new home. As a premier moving and storage solutions company based in Nashville, TN, we understand the unique challenges of moving in this vibrant city.

Our checklist is designed to address these challenges and provide you with a step-by-step guide to ensure a successful move. So, let’s get started on making your move to Nashville a first-class experience!

Eight Weeks Before Moving Day

nashville moving checklist, utility providers

Moving can be a daunting task, but with proper planning, it can be a smooth and stress-free experience. Starting your preparations eight weeks in advance gives you ample time to organize and execute your move efficiently.

1. Notify Your Landlord or Homeowners

If you’re renting, it’s crucial to inform your landlord about your upcoming move. This gives them time to find a new tenant and ensures you’re not breaking any lease agreements. If you own your home, notify the current homeowners or real estate agent to coordinate the sale or transfer of ownership.

Notifying the relevant parties early also allows you to discuss any obligations or responsibilities you may have, such as repairs or cleaning. This step is essential for a smooth transition and avoiding any potential disputes or misunderstandings.

2. Create a Moving Budget

Moving can be expensive, so it’s essential to create a budget to keep track of your expenses. Consider costs such as packing supplies, moving services, and any additional expenses like temporary accommodations or travel.

A well-thought-out budget helps you avoid unexpected costs and ensures you have enough funds for a successful move. It also allows you to compare quotes from different moving companies and choose the best option for your needs.

3. Research Moving Companies

Start researching reputable moving companies in your area and gather quotes to compare prices and services. Look for companies with positive reviews, proper licenses, and insurance coverage to ensure a reliable and professional moving experience.

When comparing quotes, consider factors such as the company’s experience, included services, and any additional fees. This will help you make an informed decision and choose a moving company that suits your specific needs and budget.

4. Declutter and Sort Belongings

Before packing, declutter and sort through your belongings to decide what to keep, donate, or sell. This process not only reduces the amount of stuff you need to move but also helps you start fresh in your new home.

Organize your items into categories, such as clothing, kitchenware, and electronics. This will make packing more efficient and help you determine the number of boxes and packing supplies you’ll need.

5. Collect Moving Supplies

Begin collecting moving supplies like boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers. You can find these items at local stores, online retailers, or even ask friends and family for spare boxes.

Having the right supplies on hand makes packing easier and ensures your belongings are protected during the move. Consider investing in specialty boxes for fragile items like glassware or electronics to prevent damage.

Read More: Nashville Moving Quotes

Six Weeks Before Moving Day

garage sale, moving truck, new city

As your moving day approaches, it’s time to start notifying important parties about your change of address and begin packing non-essential items. Six weeks before your move, you should also make arrangements for any necessary travel or accommodations.

1. Notify Important Parties

Start by notifying important parties about your upcoming move and change of address. This includes the post office, banks, insurance companies, and utility companies. Updating your address ensures that you continue receiving important mail and services without interruption.

Don’t forget to inform friends, family, and other relevant parties about your move. This will help them update their contact information and provide any assistance you may need during the transition.

2. Start Packing Non-essential Items

Begin packing non-essential items that you won’t need until after the move. This includes seasonal clothing, decorations, and rarely used kitchenware. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy unpacking.

Packing early reduces the stress of last-minute preparations and allows you to take your time organizing and securing your belongings. It also gives you a better idea of how much stuff you have and the number of boxes you’ll need.

3. Make Travel and Accommodation Arrangements

If you’re moving long-distance, make arrangements for any necessary travel or accommodations. Book flights, hotels, or rental cars well in advance to secure the best rates and availability.

Consider factors such as travel time, rest stops, and overnight stays when planning your journey. This will help you arrive at your new home refreshed and ready to start unpacking.

4. Inform Your Children’s Schools

If you have children, inform their schools about the upcoming move and initiate the necessary paperwork for transferring records. This ensures a smooth transition and helps your children settle into their new schools quickly.

Discuss the move with your children and involve them in the process. This will help them cope with the changes and feel more comfortable in their new environment.

5. Hire Professional Cleaners

Consider hiring professional cleaners to deep clean your new home before moving in. A thorough cleaning will make your new space more comfortable and welcoming, allowing you to focus on unpacking and settling in.

Professional cleaners have the equipment and expertise to tackle tough stains, remove allergens, and sanitize your new home. This ensures a fresh start and a healthier living environment.

Four Weeks Before Moving Day

movers, safe place, pets

With only a month left until your move, it’s time to confirm your moving date with the chosen moving company and finalize any remaining details. This is also a good time to notify friends and family about your move and start packing essential items.

1. Confirm Your Moving Date

Confirm your moving date with the chosen moving company and finalize any remaining details. Ensure that you have a written agreement outlining the terms of service, including the moving date, estimated costs, and any additional services.

Having a confirmed moving date allows you to plan your packing and other preparations more effectively. It also ensures that you have the necessary support and resources on the day of your move.

2. Notify Friends and Family

Notify friends, family, and other relevant parties about your move to ensure a smooth transition. Share your new address and contact information so they can update their records and stay in touch.

Informing your close ones about your move also allows them to offer assistance, whether it’s helping with packing, providing moving supplies, or simply offering moral support during this busy time.

3. Begin Packing Essential Items

Start packing essential items that you won’t need until after the move. This includes clothing, kitchenware, and personal items. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy unpacking.

Packing early reduces the stress of last-minute preparations and allows you to take your time organizing and securing your belongings. It also gives you a better idea of how much stuff you have and the number of boxes you’ll need.

4. Set Aside Valuables and Important Documents

Set aside valuables, important documents, and sentimental items to transport personally. This includes jewelry, passports, birth certificates, and family heirlooms. Keep these items in a safe and easily accessible location.

Transporting valuable and important items personally reduces the risk of loss or damage during the move. It also ensures that you have immediate access to essential documents and belongings in your new home.

5. Arrange Utility Transfers

Arrange for the transfer or cancellation of utility services at your current address and schedule installation at your new home. This includes electricity, water, gas, internet, and cable services.

Coordinating utility transfers ensures that you have the necessary services in your new home upon arrival. It also prevents any disruptions or additional charges at your old address.

Two Weeks Before Moving Day

important things

With only two weeks left until your move, it’s time to complete change-of-address forms, notify service providers, and begin disassembling furniture. This is also a good time to confirm the details with the moving company and ensure everything is on track.

1. Complete Change-of-address Forms

Complete change-of-address forms with the post office to forward your mail to your new address. This ensures that you continue receiving important mail, such as bills, bank statements, and subscriptions, without interruption.

Updating your address with the post office is a simple yet crucial step in the moving process. It helps you stay connected and avoid missing important information or updates.

2. Notify Service Providers and Organizations

Notify service providers, subscriptions, and organizations about your change of address. This includes magazine subscriptions, memberships, and any other services you receive at your current address.

Informing these parties about your move ensures that you continue receiving their services at your new address. It also helps you avoid any disruptions or additional charges.

3. Contact Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company to transfer or update policies for your new home. This includes homeowners or renters insurance, as well as any other policies you may have.

Updating your insurance information ensures that you have the necessary coverage in your new home. It also helps you avoid any gaps in coverage or additional costs.

4. Confirm Details With the Moving Company

Confirm the details with the moving company, including the arrival time and any specific instructions. Ensure that you have a written agreement outlining the terms of service, including the moving date, estimated costs, and any additional services.

Having a confirmed moving date and clear communication with the moving company ensures a smooth and efficient moving process. It also helps you plan your packing and other preparations more effectively.

5. Begin Disassembling Furniture

Begin disassembling furniture and disconnecting appliances, ensuring they’re properly prepared for transportation. This includes taking apart bed frames, removing shelves, and unplugging appliances.

Disassembling furniture and appliances reduces the risk of damage during the move and makes it easier to load and unload items. It also helps you save time and effort on moving days.

Read More: Moving Tips for Nashville Residents

One Week Before Moving Day

first step

With only a week left until your move, it’s time to pack a suitcase with essentials, confirm the logistics of your move, and clean and empty your refrigerator. This is also a good time to double-check that all boxes are properly labeled and securely packed.

1. Pack a Suitcase With Essentials

Pack a suitcase with essentials for the first few days at your new home. This includes clothing, toiletries, medications, and any other items you’ll need immediately upon arrival.

Having a suitcase with essentials ensures that you have everything you need to be comfortable and settled in your new home. It also allows you to take your time unpacking without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

2. Confirm the Logistics of Your Move

Confirm the logistics of your move, including parking arrangements and any access codes required. Ensure that the moving company has clear instructions for accessing your current and new homes.

Confirming the logistics of your move helps avoid any delays or complications on moving days. It also ensures that the moving company has the necessary information to provide efficient and professional service.

3. Clean and Empty Your Refrigerator

Clean and empty your refrigerator, defrosting it if necessary. Remove any perishable items and dispose of them properly. Wipe down the interior and exterior of the refrigerator to remove any spills or stains.

Cleaning and emptying your refrigerator ensures that it’s ready for transportation and reduces the risk of leaks or damage. It also helps you start fresh in your new home with a clean and organized refrigerator.

4. Double-check All Boxes

Double-check that all boxes are properly labeled and securely packed. Ensure that each box is labeled with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy unpacking.

Properly labeling and securing boxes helps protect your belongings during the move and makes unpacking more efficient. It also allows you to prioritize which boxes to unpack first and ensures that everything is in its proper place.

5. Create an Inventory of Your Belongings

Create an inventory of your belongings and take photos for insurance purposes. This includes furniture, electronics, and any other valuable items.

Having an inventory of your belongings helps you keep track of everything during the move and ensures that nothing is lost or damaged. It also provides documentation for insurance claims in case of any issues.

Moving Day

utilities, deal

Moving day has finally arrived! Conduct a final walkthrough of your current home, communicate with the moving company’s team, and keep important documents and valuables with you throughout the moving process.

1. Conduct a Final Walkthrough

Before leaving your current home, conduct a final walkthrough to ensure nothing is left behind. Check all rooms, closets, cabinets, and outdoor areas for any forgotten items.

A final walkthrough helps you avoid leaving behind any important belongings and ensures that you have everything you need for your new home. It also gives you peace of mind knowing that you haven’t overlooked anything.

2. Communicate With the Moving Company’s Team

On a moving day, communicate with the moving company’s team, providing any necessary instructions and answering any questions they may have. Ensure that they have clear directions to your new home and any access codes or keys required.

Clear communication with the moving company’s team ensures a smooth and efficient moving process. It also helps avoid any misunderstandings or delays and ensures that your belongings are handled with care.

3. Keep Important Documents and Valuables With You

Keep important documents, keys, and valuables with you throughout the moving process. This includes passports, birth certificates, jewelry, and any other items that are irreplaceable or of high value.

Transporting valuable and important items personally reduces the risk of loss or damage during the move. It also ensures that you have immediate access to essential documents and belongings in your new home.

4. Check Windows and Doors

Before leaving your current home, check that all windows and doors are locked securely. Ensure that all entry points are closed and locked to prevent unauthorized access.

Securing your home before leaving helps protect it from potential break-ins or theft. It also gives you peace of mind knowing that your home is safe and secure.

5. Leave Forwarding Information

If applicable, leave a forwarding address and contact information for the new residents. This allows them to forward any mail or packages that may arrive for you after you’ve moved.

Providing forwarding information helps ensure that you continue receiving important mail and packages. It also helps the new residents avoid any confusion or inconvenience.

After Moving Day

Congratulations on your successful move! Now that you’re in your new home, it’s time to unpack, update your information, and explore your new neighborhood. Take time to relax and celebrate your new beginning.

1. Unpack Essential Items First

Start by unpacking essential items to create a comfortable living space. This includes bedding, toiletries, kitchenware, and any other items you’ll need immediately.

Unpacking essentials first allows you to settle into your new home quickly and comfortably. It also helps you take your time with the remaining unpacking, organizing your belongings at your own pace.

2. Update Your Information

Update your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and voter registration with your new address. Ensure that all your important documents and records reflect your current address.

Updating your information ensures that you continue receiving important services and notifications. It also helps you avoid any confusion or complications with official records.

3. Register With New Healthcare Providers

Register with new doctors, dentists, and other healthcare providers in your new area. Transfer your medical records and ensure that your new providers have all the necessary information.

Registering with new healthcare providers ensures that you have access to medical care when needed. It also helps you maintain your health and well-being in your new home.

4. Explore Your New Neighborhood

Take time to explore your new neighborhood and locate important facilities such as grocery stores, schools, and public transportation. Familiarize yourself with the area and its amenities.

Exploring your new neighborhood helps you feel more comfortable and settled in your new home. It also allows you to discover new places and activities to enjoy.

5. Meet Your New Neighbors

Introduce yourself to your new neighbors and start building connections in your community. Attend neighborhood events or join local organizations to meet new people.

Meeting your new neighbors helps you feel more welcome and integrated into your new community. It also provides opportunities for socializing and building friendships.

6. Take Time to Relax and Celebrate

After all the hard work and effort of moving, take time to relax and celebrate your successful move. Enjoy your new home and the opportunities it brings.

Celebrating your move helps you appreciate the journey and the new chapter in your life. It also allows you to unwind and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Why Choose 1st Class Moving TN Services?

At 1st Class Moving TN, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch moving and storage solutions tailored to meet our clients’ specific needs. Our team of moving professionals is ready and waiting to turn your moving stresses into a first-class experience.

Residential Moving

  • We offer comprehensive residential moving services, whether you’re relocating within the city or moving across state lines.
  • Our team handles everything from packing and loading to transportation and unloading, ensuring a smooth and stress-free move.
  • We use high-quality packing materials and equipment to protect your belongings during transit.

Commercial Moving

  • Our commercial moving services are designed to handle the unique challenges of relocating a business.
  • We work closely with you to create a customized moving plan that minimizes downtime and disruption.
  • Our team is experienced in moving office equipment, furniture, and sensitive documents with care and precision.

Interstate and Long-distance Moving

  • Whether you’re crossing state boundaries or moving across the country, we have the expertise to make your move smooth and hassle-free.
  • We handle all the logistics, including route planning, permits, and transportation, so you can focus on settling into your new home.
  • Our team is trained to handle long-distance moves with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Packing and Unpacking

  • Our professional packing and unpacking services take the tedious task of packing off your hands.
  • We use high-quality packing materials and techniques to ensure your items are safe and secure during transit.
  • Our team can handle everything from fragile items to bulky furniture, ensuring that your belongings arrive at your new home in perfect condition.

Storage Services

  • We offer secure storage solutions for those times when you need a little extra space.
  • Our storage facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art security systems and climate control to protect your belongings.
  • Whether you need short-term or long-term storage, we have flexible options to meet your needs.


Moving can be a daunting and stressful process, but with the right planning and support, it can be a smooth and enjoyable experience. By following our comprehensive Nashville moving checklist, you can ensure that you’re well-prepared for every step of the moving process.

At 1st Class Moving TN, we’re here to help you with all your moving and storage needs. Our team of moving professionals is ready and waiting to turn your moving stresses into a first-class experience. Let’s start planning your move together today!

Ready to make your next move a stress-free experience with 1st Class Moving TN? Contact us today at 901-235-1443 or visit our office at 512 Southgate Ave, Nashville, TN 37203. Let us handle the details so you can focus on enjoying your new home!


How far in advance should I start planning my move?

It’s recommended to start planning your move at least eight weeks in advance. This gives you enough time to research moving companies, create a budget, and start decluttering and packing.

What should I do with items I no longer need?

Before your move, declutter and sort through your belongings. Decide what to keep, donate, or sell. Donating or selling items you no longer need can help reduce the amount of stuff you have to move and even earn you some extra cash.

How can I ensure my belongings are safe during the move?

Use high-quality packing materials and techniques to protect your belongings during transit. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. Consider hiring professional packing services for added protection.

What should I do on moving day?

On a moving day, conduct a final walkthrough of your current home, communicate with the moving company’s team, and keep important documents and valuables with you. Before leaving, check that all windows and doors are locked securely.

How can I settle into my new home quickly?

Start by unpacking essential items to create a comfortable living space. Update your information, register with new healthcare providers, and explore your new neighborhood. Take time to relax and celebrate your successful move.

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